Friday the What?!

Hey Londoners of Ontario!  We will be playing London on Friday April 13th,  at the APK Live presented by Half a Dino and the folks at APK.

Also on the amazing bill: Hands and Teeth, Kids and Explosions and TBD.

Here are the details (taken from the FACEBOOK EVENT that you should join if you FB):

Half a Dino & APK Live Presents: FRIDAY THE WHAT?!?!
HANDS & TEETH (Toronto)
Fresh off dates at SXSW and are still riding the waves of their awesome debut ‘Hunting Season’
Josh Raskin does intense mash-ups coupled with out of this world visualizations behind him. He’s been here before, he wowed everyone and he’s coming back to get some bodies moving.
Papermaps are a pop-rock band on a mission. In 2011 they toured behind their debut ‘Papermaps’ and played CMJ Music Marathon in New York City, and two showcases at Halifax Pop Explosion where they shared the bill with other notable Canadian acts: Dinosaur Bones, The Reason, Plants and Animals, Carmen Townsend and Stars.
TBD (London)
Yes TBD is the band name, it is NOT an acronym. Everyone knows APK Live’s owner MARC GAMMAL, but did you know he’s in a band. Come and see our resident playboy, badass, and heartthrob Marc along with his band mates in TBD, play their first show at the bar. Get here early, you don’t want to miss this.
Friday, April 13th, 2012
APK Live
8:00 p.m.
$2 before 11 // $5 after