Complicate Things

We’re very pumped about the brand-new,  good ol’ fashioned emailing list we are building.  Also, we want something out there with the Papermaps name on it too, so we’re giving away our song, Complicate Things to all new email list recruits for the next while.  Basically,  join our mailing list and get a free mp3.  Just click the Sign Up link above.   Once on the list you will get semi-monthy (not weekly or daily) updates about the band and tours.

Complicate Things is a song that’s going to be on our new self-titled album (out February 2011).  It’s a short, simple, very danceable song about nasty relationship stuff featuring double drums  and double synth attack a la Todd’s Korg Poly 6 and Wendy’s Nord Lead (with a dash of guitar).  It’s been a big hit at the live shows too.

This is sort of a limited time offer.  We will always give away something for joining our list, but it won’t always be an album track . . .

